Messages from your employer or organization

Be sure to check this page from time to time.

Your employer or organization will post important messages related to the transfer of your group retirement savings plan to iA Financial Group.

Status of transfer20XX-MM-DD

How will your money be transferred to iA Financial Group?

The previous provider will process the withdrawals the day before the agreed-upon transfer date, which will cash out your account using the end-of-day unit values. All of your funds are sent to us the following day and deposited to your account the same day, again using the end-of-day values. Therefore, your money is out of the market for only 1 day.

When will your money be transferred to iA Financial Group?

The transfer to iA Financial Group will occur on Month XX, 20XX. The previous provider will withdraw your assets on Month XX, 20XX and your money will be deposited to your account at iA Financial Group on Month XX, 20XX. Please note that your existing savings will remain unchanged at the previous provider until the transfer to iA occurs.

How will your money be invested?

If you do not make an investment choice, your savings will be seamlessly invested in the new default option with a retirement age of 65.

If you wish to make changes to your investment instructions, you may do so right after the transfer.